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Thread: Put male nurses in panties!?

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I checked and that letter is from a FETISH site. It is some type of fantasy writing and has no relevance at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've posted that same point twice but no one seems to listen. Just follow it back to the original site and you will see that it is just a fetish site for some really strange people who enjoy degrading men by making them wear women's clothing.

    For some reason an old song about lumberjacks and Monty Python comes to mind...

  2. #42
    Junior Member
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    I'm not sure where this person gets their information. First of all male nurses were first in the role of caretakers. You must have nodded off during the history of nursing which makes me wonder what else you might have missed. Men were serving in the care role all the way back to Crimean war. The only women at that time that would "lower" themselves to that station were prostitutes.
    Even the dimly lit lantern of Florence Nightengale as she checked her men was subject. My instructors tell me that she died of syphilis the cause was unknown. RIGHT! All those men in need of comforting and a really caring woman?
    I don't mean to demean her contributions but...Get a life.
    I kind of like seeing the panty lines delineating the female form. You need to get a zipper in YOUR pants before you start bragging. My field is psychiatry and I already have you diagnosed. We are all made different for a reason. We all have gifts to give. Stop trying to make male nurses into cross dressers. Me thinks you have spent way too much time analyzing men's undergarments which in itself is subject to question. Get you mind on your job. I would hate to have somebody like you taking care of me trying to guess whether I'm wearing low rise briefs or boxers while your calculating my dose of medication. It sounds to me like you are already an expert in your "field of interest."

  3. #43
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    just one on this site wrote that article. It was written by someone on some fettish site and posted here just to stir up some conversation...

  4. #44
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    What are you complaing about. Its woking. Its drawing attention. Quit defending yourself. It'll burn itself out.
    FYI - stop preaching to the choir.

  5. #45
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    I thought you were directing your post to Tracy. A bunch of people have been emailing me complaining about him when they didn't read it through. I was assuming that was the intent of your post as well...

  6. #46
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    I wasn't trying to stir things up. I thought this was a place that a person could air their views and expect a few thoughtful comments. I meant to express an opinion not step on a bunch of toes. This is a barn burning over a mouse in the hay. I apologize for my tone but not my comments. So take it or leave it.

  7. #47
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    I didn't say you were trying to stir things up, and this is the perfect place to air your thoughts and opinions.

    I was simply stating that the very first post in this thread, was an article that soom loon on some fetish site wrote.

    It looked to me like you were addressing your post to TracyR, thinking that they were the person who wrote this article. All I was trying to say is that the person who wrote this article has never even been on this site.

    I was simply trying to clear up any confusion....

    You weren't stepping on anyone's toes. I just wanted to make clear that no one on here shared the opinion of the writer of the article.

  8. #48
    Junior Member
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    Thank you everybody for setting me staight. Thanks for making me feel welcome. This is a great place.

  9. #49
    Junior Member
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    I am currently a male nursing student with about a year left of nursing school, and I'm sure you can all relate that in school, they make us do some of the most outrageous things, and I'm really surprised that they haven't actually asked the men to wear seamless "panties" under these all white, see through uniforms - and having wanted to be a nurse I'm sure I would have done it just to be compliant.

    But COME ON! This by far has got to be the most re-dick-u-lous thing I have EVER heard. If this really was true, I am sure that I would be re-thinking my career of choice, and in all my schooling, there was never a lecture about how the underwear you wear will affect the treatment you give you your patients.

  10. #50
    Senior Member
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    Re: Put male nurses in panties!?

    Oh do I have a responses to this balderdash! And as a female...I'm sure the males will have even more to say.

    First is the fact that I really take exception to the comment toward the end (not even considering the balooney about the uniforms) regarding the fact that males aren't caring, nurturing nurses.....
    The males I have been fortunate enough to work with are often more caring and empathetic than the females. Females can be and are frequently selfish, nasty, back biting women. With each other as well as the patients. Males have overcome most of that behavior with puberty. Many females haven't.

    As for the uniforms...if I knew a male was wearing silk panties I'd think he had some problems! I don't want to see ANYONES underwear when they are in uniform. Most nurses I know (and I've worked all over the east coast and the mid-west) wear scrubs. I've never seen a males crotch showing. As for the t-shirt issue, most of the females I've seen wear them's for the temperture as well as modesty. I'd much rather see a t-shirt than chest hair sticking out of a man's uniform. Same as I'd rather see a t-shirt rather than see down the top of a female and see her bra or breasts sticking out.
    You are so far off base it isn't even funny.....I'll be interested to see other comments...especially from the male population!!

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