Need help with my concept map assignment Hi im first year Nursing student having difficulty with the concept map assignment. My case study is like this:

Mr. P, 66 years old, calls to complain about shortness of breath and pain that started suddenly and feels like a knife. He states the pain gets worse with breathing. He is diaphoretic, and states he is having difficulty getting a full breath. On inspection, his left chest wall is not moving. His trachea is deviated to the right. On auscultation, he has no air entry. Vital signs T-36.6 P-100 RR-32 BP 100/70.

Although I figured out that the patient is suffering from Pneumothorax which is the chief medical Dx, I'm expected to come up with 4 Nursing Dx and also the Dx need to be " Actual problems" and not " Potential problems". After researching from books, I came up with 4 Nursing Problems as follows
1.Impaired gas exchange as the 1st Nrsg problem
2. Ineffective airway clearance

3.Activity intolerance.
4.Ineffective breathing pattern.

My concern is are all the above diagnosis correct? If it's Incorrect which one(s) are incorrect? Please advice .I shall be very greatful for your help and advice in this regard