Well, I'm 42, and about half of our staff is in the 40-ish range, with the rest being newbies.
What we have done is split the staffing up, about 50/50. Half veterans, and half newbies. Doing this serves two purposes...it helps the new nurses by giving them some more experienced nurses to turn to in a crunch, and it gives us old farts a chance to teach (and learn, for that matter!).
There is a high turn over rate in our unit, I guess because it can get pretty intense (duh...MSICU!), but there is an abundance of new nurses who want to become ICU nurses, or at least they think they do. Some move on to PICU, NICU, CVICU, etc...
At this point, I don't believe that any of our veterans are planning to retire, although I often dream of it!