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Thread: Would you like a little cheeze with your whine???

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Would you like a little cheeze with your whine???

    Another one of my less than positive nursing experencies I'd like to share about how loyality will be rewarded when you work for some hospitals. In phoenix, a Tenant owned at the time hospital. Schuduled for 11 to 7 nights on a 2nd floor ICU/CVICU a new pliot progressive care unit opened several months earlier on the 6th fl. They had their own staff but scheduled floats occured once every three weeks, most of the more experienced RN's just called off their nights to work. Because you would get 4 patients usually two of which should still be in ICU. I worked all my shifts their except one.
    So I'am finishing my 18th shift in a row and on the way out ask the charge RN if the ICU needs an open heart nurse at 7pm. This was a great way to get out of your scheduled commitment on the **** floor. She said yes. a IABP patient is coming in today and she has a nurse needing orientation to IABP and CABG's. I was carful to make clear plan A I come in at 7 admit the IABP and orient the new grad. Plan B is I just come in for my scheduled 11 7 on **** floor. She said no problem. I check my answering machine at 530pm in case I was cancelled then got ready for work. Left the house at 605 and noticed to other messages while I was in the shower. Arrive early to the 2nd floor unit, knowing the room would not be set up the way I would need it to be. The five RN's at the station tell me the patient never made it off the table. I felt bad for the patient and that I could of gone back to bed if they called to let me know. When home, watched TV and left to work my scheduled shift on **** unit. Stopped by the 2nd floor ICU's charge nurse office to see in case they could keep me on ICU. I walk in her office, and tears are welling up in her eyes. "The nursing super said you've been suspended for three days with an investigation pending, you've been fired, give me your badge and clean out your locker". Three days later with the director of the ICU, she takes a patient abandonment path,I tell her the story again. And remind her that I never set foot on the 6th fl. unit that night and I dont believe any abandonment is an issue here. She then asked if I checked out with the nursing super that night, I said no and she said thats insobordination thats why you are fired. Signed the paperwork and left.That was nov. 96, in aug 2002 I happened to be reviewing my personell file from that hospital. The story they put in my jacket was a little different,they said I showed up to work and refused to take care of the IABP patient,even listed the name of a nurse that was then assigned to the patient. A nurse that was probally getting out of the shower about the time I was being told the patient never made it off the table. Stay turned to my threads many more fantastic nursing voyages in store for you.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Would you like a little cheeze with your whine???

    Absolutely unbelievable (please see my other post in this forum).

    Your story and mine makes me think that I need to start bringing a tape recorder (or better yet, a video cam) into work just to cover myself.

    Best of luck to you--I hope you got an attorney to handle this matter. And right now I wouldn't think twice about hauling some of these nurses into court for a slander charge. I'd like to see if they would be willing to commit perjury also.

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