Consent and Questionnaire for Professional Practice project on Nursing and Burnout

The purpose of this questionnaire is to support or refute the issue of burnout in the nursing profession that as well as to broaden my understanding of this issue. I have come across this issue in both my nursing practice and my readings and would like to expand my understanding with your help. The purpose is not to do research or evaluate nursing practice but to support or not support the prevalence of burnout in the nursing profession. I have designed a short questionnaire for you to help with this project. The questionnaire should take no more than five minutes of your time. If you complete this questionnaire, consent is presumed. You are free to refuse to answer all or any of the questions if you do not feel comfortable with the questions(s). Your name will not appear on the questionnaire and the information will only be shared with my instructor. After my instructor sees the data, the questionnaire will be shredded. If you wish further information regarding this project, please feel free to contact my BCIT instructor Jim Hunter at 604-432-8916. Thank you for participating in this project.
Fiona, 2nd year BCIT Nursing Student

Please state your qualifications (RN, BSN ect.) here, if you would like to add years of experience that would be greatly appreciated.

1. Do you think nurses are at a risk for burnout, and if yes why?

2. What aspects of nursing do you think contribute to or lead to burnout?

3. If nurses are experiencing burnout do you believe it affects the care of the patient, if yes in what way?

4. If nurses are experiencing burnout do you believe it affects their personal lives, if yes in what way?

5. Do you think employers provide education/support/coping strategies for their staff on the issue of burnout?
a. If yes, is it working, why or why not?