Hello, my name is Joy and I need some help.Please if anyone would be kind enough to answer a few questions for me... I am stressed out because I cannot find this information in any of my books or online and I have a test tommorow and I need to know a few things....
1. How do you take a patients temp who had sinus surgery?
I know its not orally, but can you do it tympanically?

2. Post-op sinus surgery, what are you going to expect?

3. What kind of dressing will the same patient have?
I am pretty sure it is nasal packing and a gauze bandage underneath the nostrils, am I correct?

4.Same Pt. complaining of tickling in the throat what do you do?
I think you would check the throat for drainage/bleeding, and report any findings, is this correct?
Please let me know if anyone can help me out here, I would appreciate it tremendously.
Thank You