Hi! I am new to the forum. I've always wanted to do this but just never took the time. I am a registered nurse and have been for almost 12 years. We all know how crazy our lives can get at times and really really crazy when your trying to be a good wife and mom on top of our crazy jobs. It's easy to lose your insanity. I've always looked for ways to work less and spend more time with my kids. My husband is a truck driver so he is gone a lot. I've researched different home based businesses over the years and tried several. I never really found the one I was looking for and really enfoyed doing until I got involved in my current home based candle business. They're soy candles. I have always been a candle burner but never realized where paraffin wasx came from until I started burning soy candles. Let me tell you if you ever burn soy candles you will never go back. I'm loving my new business and everyon I have shared them with does too. Please take time to check out my wibsite and sign up for our weekly candle drawing. I think you'll be glad you did. Go to www.lightacandlemakeaprofit.com . Thanks for allowing me to share a little bit of myself. Sincerely, Kristy