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Thread: Starting Texas Union

  1. #11

    Red face Re: Starting Texas Union

    I have just gotten off the telephone with someone that helpped me out on the information about getting a union started here where I live at ..... I did ask this person if there was unions here for Nurses in Texas and he said yes they were. And he told me how to go about getting one started where I live at and what it would take to make it happen or where I could sign up at.
    He said that it needed to be 51% in order to make it happen .... So if there is anyone that is interested in starting up a Nurses Union where you live at then this is what he said that it needed to get off the ground.
    1. get 4 or 5 people where you work at and then make sure they are the ones that like to run to management to , because you don't need them just yet.
    2. then they find 4 or 5 people where they work at and get them to agree to it .
    3. make sure you don't do it on company time do it on your breaks or on your lunch but make sure its not talked about on company time ....
    4 the more people that you get the more is better , but remember you need to have 51% to make it a go and then its all up to you and the others when you are ready to take that step . Me I am ready because I am tired of being walked all over and treated badly because I am just an C.N.A. and here in Texas we don't get the respect that we deserve nor the pay that we deserve either .
    So you and the others get it together and then make the call when you get all your people together and pick a place and time to meet with a Union Resp.and then get the ball rolling then.
    I live here in Texas and I can sure give you the number of the person that you need to talk too about getting it started here in Texas ....
    The only reason that I have found out anymore information is because I called my husbands Union Resp. and he told me who to contact then and I did.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2006

    Question Re: Starting Texas Union

    Nursechik, I also am a Texas RN and have been trying to quietly educate myself about unions. Is there legislation or something keeping them out? I have sent messages to several unions without reply. :confused: I have also asked for input from other nurses who are part of a union. I just joined this forum and would like more info on unions in general, and in Texas specifically. Would love to help.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Starting Texas Union

    You are making generalizations about all RNs and LVNs that are uncalled for. I really don't know what kind of environment you come from, but in my unit, CNAs don't touch the patients. The nurses are directly responsible for all aspects of their patients care, and are devoted to their patients. I find this to be true in most units in my hospital. Its not perfect, but its not what you are describing. I live and work in south Texas and I know how things work here, as I have worked in several areas around the state over the last 16 years. I do agree that CNAs should have more respect and better pay. However, the CNAs that I do work with are not openly hostile toward nurses. They are a part of our team, and are treated with respect by all of the other staff. I am sorry that you are so miserable. I hope things improve for you so that you can enjoy your job, and like the people you work with.

  4. #14

    Re: Starting Texas Union

    If you can get about 40 to 50 people to sign up stating that they would like to get a Union started for Nurses then we can get it going .....
    Once you get this let me know and I will then set up a meeting with you and these other people that you have signed up ....... Do you work at or in A hospital ? if so get the maintaince people and the Nurses aides and the resp. on it ..... when they sign up have them put what department they work in as well.
    Unions here in Texas are mostly for Iron workers and Doctors and Lawyers and Teachers and others .....
    The reasons there isn't any Unions here in Texas for Nurses is because they ( your employers feel it is not neccessary for there to be one because they pay R.N.'s and L.V.N.'s enough money to keep out the unions and that they don't need one to make there decissions for them or talk to the others about benifits , but if you will get this the paper and have them sign it and put what type of work they do and what department they are in and rank they are then we can talk then . Do you live in Texas , if so how far are you from Dallas, Fort Worth area.
    P.S. here is my e-mail address as to where you can e-mail at......
    Just put in the subject line I wanna Talk about "Unions For Nurses"

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2006

    Smile Re: Starting Texas Union

    Click on the link for more ammunition to start a union for nurses ..........

  6. #16
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Exclamation Re: Starting Texas Union

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new here but the issues are not. I have been in the trenches for 5 1/2 years now and have been unsuccessful in bringing the nursing team together here in the Houston area. Texas is not a right to work State which simply means they can fire you if they don't like the way you wear your hair one day.

    Nurses are afraid to lose their jobs. Noone is willing to stand behind me (the front man) and take the risk. What nurses do not realize is that we actually do have the upper hand. We outnumber everyone else. What, does everyone think they're going to fire all of us if we don't comply with their policies and procedures because we're acting like the patient advocates we are? Let's give this some serious thought nurses and ancillary staff.

    There are 3.6 million nurses in the U.S. and just under 700,000 doctors. If we all put our money where our hearts are, we could easily make the transition from over burdening hospital policymakers and disrespectful doctors, and create a far better workplace with less stress.

    Because I cannot get anyone in Houston to jump on the bargaining bandwagon to start a union contract negotiation, I have done the next best thing. I have started a nurse agency with all of the contract stipulations we would ask for in a union contract. The only difference is that instead of pocketing the money I give the following benefits to my employees: 32 hour work week=full time benefits. Paid retirement, paid medical benefits, each nurse gets their own CNA for their shift, contracted nurse/patient ratios, and the higher agency pay. If I offer rediculous benefits unmatched by any organization nurses and ancillary staff may come to work by the truckloads and with greater numbers behind me will give us the bargaining power we need.

    If we can't get it one way, we'll get it another. If there is one thing nurses are good at it's coming up with solutions to problems. If any of you have any ideas that may help all of us nurses, please post a response or email me directly. I am willing to put forth the extra effort. It's time we got something done about our problem.

  7. #17

  8. #18
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    Thumbs up Re: Starting Texas Union

  9. #19
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Starting Texas Union

    Hi. I live in West Texas and would like to get a union started as well. I am not currently working in a hospital, so I would love to do this for hospital nurses. I was and OR nurse for years and could tell some stories about the terrible treatment! Anyway, I have always heard that Texas has the Right To Work Law, which prohibits unions (basically, you have the right to work or not) Is this true? I would love some help in my area. I have even thought about placing an add in the paper.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2006

    Talking Re: Starting Texas Union

    RNs at Capitol say staffing shortages put patients at risk.... :thumbsup:

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