Quote Originally Posted by totoba2648 View Post
I want to buy these study matterials if you still have it
Mental Health Aspects of Nursing Practice
8. Nursing Care for Adults
9. ISU-Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
10. ISU-Nursing Care of the Child and Family
Thank you

I am using the College Network study guides and they are very helpful. Especially for parents that have a full time job and no extra time to attend classes. Unfortunately I wish I would have realized that people sell the study guides online, instead of paying full price for them through the College Network =( I have the following study guides, as well as additional printable resources for each one:

1. College Algebra
2. Foundations of Gerontology
3. Human Resource Management
4. Introduction to Computing
5. Introduction to World Religions
6. Introductory Pscyhology
7. Mental Health Aspects of Nursing Practice
8. Nursing Care for Adults
9. ISU-Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
10. ISU-Nursing Care of the Child and Family
11. Organizational Behavior
12. Pathophysiology
13. Principles of Statistics
14. Technical Writing

Please contact me and let me know if you are interested in purchasing!

Do you still have some of these books available??