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Thread: Rude Nurses

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Rude Nurses

    Have any of you ever been admitted to a hospital for any reason and had to deal with the rudest of nurses.I had one such experience when i was in labour with my last child.When i first came in there was a nurse on duty and to her credit i must say she was very polite,caring and friendly but after about 2hrs she was called away for what ever reason and the devil himself came to replace her.This woman threw insults at me from every angle.She criticised where i went to high school,my religion,she even told me i was stupid.At one point when the contractions were unbearable i asked her for some meds and her reply was to "shut up and stay quiet,you should have known it was pain before you had sex,didn't your mother tell you it was pain". I was dumbstruck never have i been treated like this in my life.The funny thing about it though is she was the only nurse on duty at the time so i had to controll myself from telling her where to get off cause i needed her then so i had to bite my tongue and say nothing.Even after my son was born i asked her what the sex was and if he was alright and she refused to answer me.When she was finished cleaning him up she practically threw him at me.It was at that point that we had an exchange of words to say the least cause that was the straw that broke the camels back.Anyway after that i took a bath and was wheeled to the ward.I was never so glad to see humans and be far away from that she devil.

  2. #2

    Re: Rude Nurses

    Wow..did she get up on the wrong side of the bed or something. I wonder what ticked her off? Did you report her to patient relations or to maybe the person who took you to recovery? Was there anyone else in the room with you, like your partner, the delivery doctor who could have vouched for her behavior if you reported her? She had no right to criticize you for who you are or what was in your background. I guess she missed the class on being compassionate. How does she survive working in L&D is she has that kind of attitude and behavior? I am totally flabbergasted. :confused:

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Rude Nurses

    Hi thanks for your reply.No i didn't report her.Just was glad i didn't have to deal with her anymore and just wanted to focus on the better things like my newborn.And no my partner wasn't there at the time was downstairs getting me registered but he did get a sample of her behaviour when he used his cell to call my mom to tell her though.Needless to say she got a telling off.

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