There is nothing wrong with Strike Nursing. It is far better than being in Spare Nursing. Like bowling I always prefer Strikes to Spares.
always scary when people agree with me.
Oh, oh. Well, I find you agreeable most of the time Tom. Wish you still came around on AN. Your wisdom and humor are badly needed there. Any board you participate on is the better for it.
I am a strike nurse. The actual definition of a 'scab' is when one of the nurses already employed at the facility, 'crosses' the pickett lines of his/her coworkers to work. The staff hired to cover the basic needs of the patients while the employees are striking are there to do just that...TAKE CARE OF THE PATIENTS! I think this is a legal requirement of the striking facility, that coverage is provided for the patients. The high salaries paid to the hired staff hurt the administrators of the hospital MUCH more than your taking time off and not getting paid to strike...make sense? Your position on the picket line costs them NOTHING!!! We, on the other hand, suck the blood out of their profits. Think of we strike nurses as getting administration where it hurst them the the wallet! Treating strike nurses like they are the enemy is just plain dumb!