
I do not agree with how sitcoms portray male nurses, and even being a gay man myself, who happens to be a nursing student, instead of getting mad, I just have to look at it and laugh, because if I let it get to me - it will stop me from doing what I want to do.

I am one of 5 males in my class of about 150 and the only thing that gets me through are my friends and the fact that there is/was a woman out there who wants to enter a male-dominated field and she, just like us, will take the jokes, the puns, the put-downs, and the sexual orientation questions, because it's something she loves and when she gets that piece of paper in her hand whether she be a pipefitter, a welder, or construction worker - she, just like us, would do it all over again!

On A Side Note!!!
::: I know a few male nurses and they are hetero, and I am constantly hearing about how they get sick and tired of people thinking they are homosexual and that they always have to put the person who asked the question in their place...but what about the gay nurses who get asked the question and there responce is returned with, "Figures"... like just because we're gay, it's totally acceptable for us to be in a female dominated field. Like gay men are expected to be hair dressers, interior designers, wedding planners and nurses....

I don't want to upset anyone or start a huge fight via the internet, just wanted to throw out some food for thought.