2:30, and no-one's been by yet? What the heck are you all doing to help you sleep in? Let me know!
Good Monday morning, folks. If you really want to think about it, we've got less than 6 months to Christmas.
So, what's going on today? Anything? Something? I still haven't worked on laundry. Maybe I should break down and do some of it; my get up and go kinda went with the weather.
Now, for my semi-usual routine:
2:30, and no-one's been by yet? What the heck are you all doing to help you sleep in? Let me know!
My MOnday started witha phone for one of my clients who fell and cut his head - Nothing a couple of Steri-strips couldn't fix. Then drove around and did rounds. Fairly relaxed so far - but who knows what the afternoon will bring.
Peace and Namaste
By the way - My husband went back to work today - He had to take about a 40% cut in pay but it's still better than unemployment!!!!!!
happy.. that's good news
I'm doing good in n.s. Interesting world n.s. .. How many more months .. do i have of this beast called. n.s? lol
I hope everybody is well.
Working on being a happier me!
I will be unable to post through the week before six pm. Today I got off at seven pm and tomorrow just might be the same.
See you all later on or tomorrow. Have a great rest of your evening.
It is alright to get tired, but, never give up."
Proud Grancama!
Usually I start Christmas shopping around now. But- we finally agreed to draw names for hubby's side of the family!! Yay!!!
The kids- I can't buy ahead for...their wants change too fast.
Working overnight here, then I have some days off. I work friday night too....then off for 2 entire weeks!!!!