I read an article in the local paper today describing the mysterious deaths of an elderly couple. They were found together in their home by their son who was making a routine, regulat visit. She had a gunshot wound to her chest and he had a gunshot wound to the head. The son called the police department who immediately declared the findings suspicious. The couple were scheduled for autopsies (Really. What do you think killed them??) and began collecting evidence to build a foul play scenario. The son very candidly reported that he believes the couple likely had a murder/suicide pact. They were in failing health and in constant pain, were a devoted husband and wife who raised five children and celebrated over fifty years together. They hated feeling helpless and foresaw only a worsening quality of life burdening their loved ones with their increasing needs.

Do you think the healthcare system failed these people? Their doctors? Their family? Was this a wrong thing to do?