I relapsed while on probation and to make matters worse submitted specimens that were not my own. Immediately after that I went through an intensive outpatient program, 90 in 90, got a new sponsor and I'm currently involved in a clinical trial for opiate dependent healthcare professionals. The drug naltrexone is already FDA approved for the treatment of alcoholism and opiate dependence, but this trial is seeking approval for the once-monthly injectable form....Vivitrol. It's an antagonist that blocks the receptor sites. Anyway, bottom line is if I were to use and try to overcome it's effects it could kill.
The Question is: my choices at present are surrender the license or go to hearing?
I've been "turning it over" and over and over. Surrender is seeming like the wiser thing to do but everytime I try to make the appropriate phone calls I bust out crying. I'm not having any peace with that decision.
Anyone out there have any experience with going to hearing?
Thanks J Berry