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Thread: Hello, I am a 26 y.o. male from Pgh. Pa.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Hello, I am a 26 y.o. male from Pgh. Pa.

    I've been an Medical Assistant for the past six years. I have to admit it was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my life. I was you when I signed aboard the M.A. classes. After losing my job last year I lost all self respect. I want to get into nursing school but I have so many obstacles in front of me. For starters I have four kids. So money is always going to be an issue for me. I have to keep up with the bills. I am a very hard worker and made good grades in high school and Tech college. There are so many nursing programs out here now and I am having a difficult time choosing which one to go with, can you guys help me out? All the area hospitals have nursing programs but they only offer diplomas. Now I know many people that actually went to a " real " advise against this type of schooling. I look at it as if it's more hands on. Then there is the community college that we have here ( CCAC ) They offer the Associates degrees here and credits are transferable to any major colleges. I hear their nursing program is extremely hard. Last but not least the Universities here. Pitt, Carlow, and Phoenix. How would one be able to maintain home and continue to go to school? Moving back home with parents isn't an option. Thank you for reading this.

  2. #2
    Hi Jaidon,

    Welcome. Sadly, self respect does take a major hit when you as the breadwinner, become unemployed. You are in good company here, many of us have been where you are. When you can, read through the threads and you will probably find that you could've written some of them yourself. For starters, while you feel becoming a M.A. was a mistake, it really wasn't. This training is good and will transfer for you.

    All entry level nursing programs have essentially the same elements and are in my opinion, equally difficult. This is a rewarding field to work in but the education is hard. It has to be because nursing is a hard job. That said, the "labels" are what you should pay attention to now. You're young enough in the workforce to likely be caught up in the moratorium that will eventually come regarding nursing education. Eventually, the BSN will be the entry level degree required for acute care nursing. For the time being, you do have options.

    A diploma program will likely get you into the field faster followed closely by an ASN. Each will realistically take three years to complete because the ASN usually has classes over the summer between first and second year. The thing that might make a difference to you is whether or not there is a waiting list for a certain program. Lastly, the gold standard, would be to go directly into a baccelaureate program and be done with it. With all of these classroom based programs comes the eventual clinical component. This will probably be the most challenging part for you just because you will find it nearly impossible to work. Diploma/ASN to BSN fast track programs are all the rage now and most are designed for people in the workforce. This might be a good option for you after you become an RN. I'm currently an ASN in a fast track program, myself.

    There is an alternative degree option, one that I followed. I was a respiratory therapist and like you, had a family and house to pay for while going through career "re-education" but was able to work full time. Check out Excelsior University online for their Nursing program. If you are a disciplined person and can learn independently, this is a great way to do it especially since you have the added benefit of prior medical training. Stay in touch and let us know what you decide. However you do it, we're in your corner.

    Good Luck.

    Last edited by Ricu; 10-22-2010 at 09:14 AM. Reason: construction

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