Hey Hppy, Thank You for taking time and serving up Your tips on the forum.
If You or another would care to tell, is there something I should be reading
to become informed and aware, as a pre-student. Jargon's overwhelming.
I'm taking pre-reqs, biology, psychology; would You recommend Your above
suggestions for general reading to become acclimated, or "Nursing Mag." other?
You obviously valued and cherished Your time, I'd like to be a good steward
of the little time I spend not in prepping for the pre-entrance exam.
The NCLEX is Years away but as I perused a study guide, I knew only 1 of 35

I'm not throwing rocks but it's a shame ianursestudent15 has been the sole
repy here. I'm certain many have used Your info though. Thank You again.