1. Ambulating a client: In class we always ambulated a client from bed and eventually sat them down in a chair. But, for the state we are suppose to assist them back to bed. I'm wondering if we are suppose to lay them back down, or just leave sitting? And if we are to lay them back down, at what point should you take the time to lower the head of the bed? (It will be raised to get them up, but it needs to be lowered to lay them back down)
2. Bedpan: When you remove the bedpan, do you automatically go empty contents, then dispose of gloves, and return to lower the bed and do post-steps. Or do you set the bedpan at bottom of bed, removes gloves, turn resident onto back, lower bed, put on new gloves and dispose of waste, remove gloves, and post-steps? I have 2 different sheets from class that say different things, and i'm having issues remembering how we were shown.
Welcome to the site, Lynn! I will attempt answering your questions the best I can.
When you ambulate the patient back to bed, of course they will sit down on the side (head of bed still up, of course.) However, you'd be assisting them back into bed I am sure. Helping draw the sheets and blanket up for them to cover with would be nice! You should ask the patient if they'd like you to help adjusting the head of their bed, or they might like to adjust it themself---depends on their preference. Of course, if they are able to walk some, I figure they can let you know their wants and needs!
There's rationale for this: if your patient hasn't walked in a few days, they could be weak. Left just sitting on the side of the bed could lead to injury, if they should fall forward.
As for the bed pan business (!): I was taught remove bedpan (hopefully where it won't get dumped), clean up waste, disposing of TP in bed pan. Make sure bed is lowered and bed rail is up (IF NEEDED) before stepping away from the bed to dispose of bed pan contents and gloves. Patient safety first and at all times! Of course, if gloves need changing during care, by all means make sure you do so. Always make sure you have some close by.
If I missed anything, I am sure someone will let me know.
PS.....why not introduce yourself in the Introduction Forum?!