"I don’t care.

Those aren’t the words you want to hear coming from the mouth of a nurse.

Now true, nurses are human, and there are things that we don’t care about, but the phrase itself, while on the job, just sounds so… unprofessional.

As nurses, we encounter so many challenges every day. Often times we have to wait on other departments, facilities, or patients. If we are not waiting on something (a lab, a transporter, a phone call), we are rushing to do or get something done ourselves. It’s very much a feast or famine profession. It is rare that things progress and a steady predictable pace. We have those days, but they are few and far between. Most of the time we are constantly trying to balance the push and pull required to deliver good patient care. And sometimes that means being made to wait."

How many times a day am I tempted to say that? How often do I bite my tongue?

It gets old real fast . . . . .

Andrew Lopez, RN
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