Actually I do not see any of these things mentioned thus far as being stressful, at least not to me. The thing that bothers me the most are staff meetings. Educational meetings, magnet meetings, trauma meetings, trauma grand round meetings. Even on my day off they are interfering with my GOLF. You do not need meetings. Put it all in emails and have people sign off they read it before they delete it. They try to tell me the meetings give voice. Trust me I always have voice. Just ask my 7 kids. They will tell you I never have a loss of voice. Another thing is they expect me to step and do some relief charge work. I did charge full time here for 15 years. There are a 100 reasons I stepped down. Most are do to meetings, and QA and QI and Process improvement, and Balogna. I just want to nurse. Let me nurse and Let me golf. All I need in life.