I self repoorted myself for addiction to Tramadol. I voluntarily went into treatment. The BON caught up with me and charged me with addiction to Tramadol. I told them I will voluntarily surrender my liscense as I have no money to fight this. Of course it will be public record. The papers have not been signed yet and it shows my liscense is still valid. I am trying to find a job. I went to a facility today to apply and when she ran my background check it came up to be sent to the DEA and DCI. I would need to get my med manager done for employment. When I saw that my gut told me to leave but I did not. What does this mean? I did do a little dr shopping. I have a tear in my roto cuff and need reconstructive Sx to my foot. Have I sent an investigation in process? Am very scared. I am going to call back and decline the job or should I see what happens, even though I do not want the job anymore. Please any info on what to do or what the reprecussions from this may be. urgent please. I have been sober since March, but battle with anxiety and depression.