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Thread: New traveler, discouraged...

  1. #1
    Junior Member rn9104's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Unhappy New traveler, discouraged...

    I am five weeks into my first travel assignment in three years and my first ever travel assignment in the ED. I am at Cape Fear Valley in Fayetteville North Carolina and I feel extremely discouraged. Not sure if it's the assignment or me...but it's so bad that I feel like my license is in jeopardy every single time I work a shift and I'm wondering if I need to just throw in the towel if I make it to the end of this assignment and go back home. Maybe I'm just not cut out for this. Any thoughts? Any advice or constructive criticism would be welcome. I am so very discouraged...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I left an unsafe assignment once and never looked back. There was nothing the company did to me because they could not.
    Since then, I did more research on the hospital where I was considering a travel job, that included talking to other travel nurses that I requested from the travel company..
    You have rights and if you feel that uncomfortable then you do, no big deal , just give the notice to the job and call your company and say its unsafe, they cannot do anything to you.
    I heard years ago , that Cape Fear was awful.
    Go and don't look back.. You will be free .

  3. #3
    That place is a shithole. I had my first travel assignment there last October and found out the agency was just funneling bodies in. No warning at all about the place, yet the agencies I'm with now, which are based in North Dakota and Florida both went silent on the phone when they found out I worked there. "We've heard about that place."

    You'd see someone there one day and they'd be gone the next because you risk your license daily. Every day started out with reviews and training. Why? Because they were constantly in the news for killing people. The people who were full time staff there seemed very cliquish and would seemingly screw you when they could. Not all. There are some wonderful people there that saved my sanity many times. Here's an example of the bad. Myself and ONE other nurse had Red one day. We were all over the place trying to keep up. In the computer, someone was up for discharge and another patient was placed into the room once it was empty. No report, no info, no nothing. The doc walked in and came right back out saying it was a trauma. We intubated, set a shoulder, found out there were cspine fractures...the guy was messed up. Not even ems raised any red flags. While I'm helping with this patient, I get told they put a patient in one of my rooms. As soon as I could, I wend in, did a quick assessment and thought she didn't look so hot, but I'd be right back. Family was in there thankfully and saw me assess, because when I went back, I coded her the rest of the shift. Oh yeah. I had an extremely hypertensive patient who stroked due to that who I couldn't get meds for ALL friggin shift because of fighting with the pharmacy...and the secretary in Red thinks she is God and runs the E.R.

    My advice...get out now. If Trinity is who you are with and they put you there, dump them and see if you can get in somewhere else. The other places I've been since then have been great.

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