I present in the Apple Store and Google Play, the App Pediatric Support (for iOS and Android). That can be useful for all who work in emergency medical
and pediatric emergencies.
Pediatric Support it is an application aimed at health professionals. Its objective is to facilitate the handling of an emergency situation involving a child.
This application is based on the medical practice guidelines recommended by medical literature; in vital paediatric European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and
American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines from 2010. Also Pediatric Drug Dose Calculation.
The professional must type in the child's Age and Weight, and all functions in the application will be automatically adjusted and calculated.
Here the link to the application in App Store https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/pedi...583303875?mt=8 and here for Google Play
Here a video
Here a Web site support http://www.acform.es/web/apps.html
Best regards