Quote Originally Posted by SoldierNurse View Post
Ricu, must agree Preventative Care applies to both healthcare workers & the general public.
In the early days of the third Reich be fore he thunk up the "Final Solution" Hitler experimented on methods of killing people by targeting those in society that he considered to be "useless Eaters" these were mostly developmentally disabled, elderly and wounded war veterans and people who had suffered injuries which rendered them unable to work. Thousands of WWI vets were killed through a program of starvation simply because they could not contribute in a way that Hitler saw as "Useful". Who will be next in our society - Are we not committed to doing no harm? I see nothing compassionate about pushing mass quantities of Morphine into a person who is not in pain just to hasten their death . I have sat and held the hands of several people and watched the panic in their eyes as their respiratory drive shuts down.

The whole purpose of Healthcare reform was to provide needed healthcare services to the medically underserved. Now those same underserved are being denied medically necessary medications in favor of cost reduction. Doctors and hospitals are facing 20 to 30% cuts in reimbursement and healthcare facilities are going paperless and digital which means our healthcare records will no longer be confidential as anyone with the password can access our medical records at the touch of a button. This is not the America my family members fought and died for.

The average wait time for medical care in the countries who have socialized medicine is 18 to 24 months. Mostly this happens because it's cheaper to let people die while they are waiting than treat them for their illness. This is not what I became a nurse to do. In America prior to healthcare reform no-one was denied healthcare based on their ability to pay.

I don't know the answer but will be going back to the days when children born with disabilities were routinely allowed to starve under "Do Not Feed" orders. I certainly hope not.
