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Thread: NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006

    NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

    Supreme Court Judge ruled a Temporary Restraining order against the mandatory H1N1 vaccine for medical staff as people should have the choice of what they put in their body....
    The Saga continues, as the Health Dept is going to fight this..
    Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nurse-rofl:

  2. #2
    Member Extraordinaire hppygr8ful's Avatar
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    Jul 2005

    Cool Re: NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

    Quote Originally Posted by Kdog View Post
    Supreme Court Judge ruled a Temporary Restraining order against the mandatory H1N1 vaccine for medical staff as people should have the choice of what they put in their body....
    The Saga continues, as the Health Dept is going to fight this..
    Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nurse-rofl:
    This is good news - as I think it should be up to each person what they do with their own bodies with regard to health care - maybe the more than 50% of the US population that doesn't want Nationalized Health care should sue congress?

    DID you know that under the Baucus Bill it's a felony (punishable by jail time) if you don't have health insurance!

    Just food for thought

    Peace and Namaste


  3. #3

    Re: NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

    hppy said "DID you know that under the Baucus Bill it's a felony (punishable by jail time) if you don't have health insurance".

    You have got to be kidding.... good grief! First they want to fine people who don't buy it, then they want to slap a 40% extra charge on employers who provide it to employees, then they talk about taxing employees for having it (as if it's compensation), now a felony???? Sheesh!

    I'm relieved to hear that common sense is winning about the mandatory vaccination idea (for the moment at least)! Thanks for posting that news OP!
    Hoping to make a difference, one student at a time... Online Nursing Programs, Online Nursing Schools, and Nursing Career Blog

  4. #4

    Re: NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

    Wait H1N1 is mandatory? I work graveyard in a hospital and here it is voluntary.... They even tried to stop me from getting the "standard" flu shot since im allergic to eggs (though not to the flu shot ive gotten the shot for many years and never had a reaction). sound like the goverment is gonna mandate everything ( i heard male circumcision is gonna be next) i dont buy it how can they legally mandate any medical procedures?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

    Hi Normal Dude 79,
    In New York State it was MANDATORY for healthcare workers to get H1N1
    But now it's not THANKS to the Nurses in ALbany, NY who sued the state and won.

  6. #6
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
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    Re: NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

    It definitely should NOT be mandatory and there is no way that is constitutional and I am happy to hear that the nurses successfully stood up for themselves and the right judgment was delivered!

  7. #7

    Re: NY Nurses WIN Lawsuit

    In an interesting, and important twist to this topic, it seems that the H1N1 virus may be mutating and evolving beyond the current vaccines being administered -- this commentary from Recombinomics is a must read for all of us I think: US Emergency Declarations Raise Pandemic Concerns
    Hoping to make a difference, one student at a time... Online Nursing Programs, Online Nursing Schools, and Nursing Career Blog

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