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Thread: CNA Will Travel

  1. #1

    CNA Will Travel

    Why don't we have traveling C.N.A.'S ?
    We would be just as good at traveling as we are at working where we are at now ?
    The C.N.A.'S don't get alot of the good things that the Nurses do and what I mean is, the pay the treatment the respect that the nurses get and that isn't right .....
    We do all the hard work while they get the big bucks for our input .....
    I mean we should be given a chance to do the travel thing too because there is a big demand for C.N.A.'S everywhere too not just Nurses .
    We deserve paid housing when we travel and have to stay over and we deserve the same as the nurses get too .... I know that there are those that can't afford to go but there are those that want to go and those should be given that right to choose.
    If anyone knows who I need to talk to about becoming a traveling CNA and with what Agency I need to sign with please let me know because I am interested in doing so too .
    Mad In Texas:mad:

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: CNA Will Travel

    I dont mean to come off in a negative manor, but what your saying is outragous. You really should quite working at the place your at because what your doing is highly illegal. Those nurses would loose thier liscenses in about .5 seconds for what they are doing. Also I cant visualize to many nursing homes where iv starts are the norm. But thier is an exception to every rule. In either case by law no hospital would higher a cna to perform iv starts, or give medications because that hospital would loose the ability to have patients. Its EXTREMLY illigal. Same as hospitals dont higher associates degree or bachaller degree nurses to prescribe medications. We have a working knowledge of medications, but by law we cant give them because we know a patient needs them without a doctors authority.

    Also the education involved in becoming a nurse and a cna is on a whole other level. I know very few CNA that know when a patient is going into flash pulmenary edmea, or starting to have cardiac complications or how to work a code. Because a CNA is not taught to, because a CNA is not expected to, nor should they ever need to. Hospitals that pay for travel nurses pay top dollar to these institutions because a well trained nurse is extremly hard to find in some areas, and highly needed. An experienced CNA is a vital nessisity, but the difference between a highly skilled Nurse and CNA is worlds apart. as was stated before, I routinly do bed changes as a nurse, and assist the cna on the floor. I would never ask a cna to push cardizem iv or even lasix because a cna has no working knowledge of these medications, and its also illegal.

  3. #3

    Angry Re: CNA Will Travel

    I have gotten lots of calls to be a traveling cna and I am going to do it then. I was just wondering why there isn't that do the traveling thats all . Don't get so bent out of shape I have made good monies at it and I am going to continue doing it now .... I have got on retaner a CPA and I have had a lawyer look over the contracts that I have drawn up and they are legal so I don't see any problems with me continuing doing what I am doing now and that is traveling ..... As far as knowning about the medicine that you talking about well .I know about the medicines and I know what they can do to a patient and so what it the point on telling me this about cardizem iv or even lasix , I have given these and I have put the cardizem iv in and I can read doctors notes .
    I have even called the doctors and talked to them on phone and told them what was wrong with a patient and they told me what to do then .
    Mad In Texas

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