HPO Staffing provides personalized searches for RNs seeking Travel assignments throughout the US in any specialty. Currently we have over 1000 travel opportunities in a variety of specialties. You decide where you want to work, your preferred hours, and your preferred assignment length. HPO will work to find you a challenging and exciting opportunity that meets your needs.

HPO's Nurse Travel Division provides nationwide travel opportunities for registered nurses of all specialties. Typical assignments range from 4-8 weeks, and might last as long as 13 weeks or more. You could be working in a small community hospital or a large industry-leading research or teaching facility. Most positions guarantee you 48 hours, and many allow you the option of working extra shifts and overtime. HPO nurses enjoy the flexibility at the end of their assignments - you can extend your assignments or accept a new opportunity in another exciting location!

If you are interested or know some who is, please contact me at mwhite@healthpersonnel.com. You may also reach me at 888-686-5805 ext. 11526.