Just wondering- want to get some unbiased perspective here:

My husband of 7 years has a HORRIBLE snoring problem that keeps me awake most nights I have to sleep with him. Even the highest decibel earplugs do not block it out. He has been diagnosed with sleep apnea in the past, and wore a CPAP for a while. He got better when he lost a little weight, so he didn't need the CPAP anymore. Well, he has gained the weight back, so the snoring is back. I told him if he can't lose weight to make it improve, then he needs to go back on the CPAP- for his health & my sanity. He told me he absolutely will not wear the CPAP, no matter what. He said he would rather divorce than wear that thing again. I am speechless. What do you guys think of this? Is he being unreasonable???