Users can now register and login to the forum using their facebook username/password. It's simple and easy. You can also alert your friends about and invite them to join! Furthermore, you can associate your user account with your Facebook account.

  1. Upon signing in to with your Facebook account, any friend that you have on your Facebook that is a member of our forums is automatically added to your forum friends list.
  2. Whenever you reply to a thread or post a new thread, you are given the option to publish an update reflecting this event on without having to leave!
  3. Certain profile fields are automatically filled in upon logging in to using your facebook profile. This includes your avatar picture, location, interests, and a link to your facebook page is placed under biography.
  4. Upon receiving a PM here on, you will be notified on facebook of a message awaiting you.

Get Started!

Simply click the Facebook button (image shown above) found beneath the login form and follow the simple instructions in the window. You will be connected in no time!