Ok...I know this is not a nice thing to do but I so need to vent & I really can't do it at school.
We have a few women in our class who MONOPOLIZE the total class time. They've got a story for every little thing our instructor tells us. And YES, they share every one. Usually it's not a big deal but today we had a HUGE lecture & these 2 would not stop. We were going over vital signs and this woman, who I'm going to guess is in her late 40's just kept on talking about how she had no pulse. Stopped the instructor several times & said she had no radial pulse. The instructor was calm & actually went over & said Yes, you do have a pulse (I mean, I could have told her that from my seat). I just can't believe how incredibly child-like some of these people are. They must feel the class is solely for their own purposes & the rest of us are just observers. OH am I ticked. Ok, I sound nasty..but it was a 44 page outline for the lecture. I wanted to learn what I need to learn & get done for the day.
Whew...I feel better and I didn't have to tell this person what a windbag she is. Hey...maybe she is a member here & will read this & get a clue.