It depends on the DEC and the circumstances - Are you seeing a psychiatrist? You need to get on disability. I can refer you to a great psychiatrist who is very familiar with nurses in the dec. He doesn't charge extra to do the required monitoring and p.aperwork and he really good a medication management.

As far as going to work is concerned - The DEC is not likely to let you go to work in any kind of patient care for 9 to 12 months. Then you have to work somewhere where your employer files a monthly report on your work. You won't be allowed to pass meds for at least 6 months after starting an new job and you can't work overtime. If you try to sneak a job and you get caught you'll use your nursing license for sure.

If you need to work find something that's non nursing. Preferably something you can do off the books. Like cleaning houses. Or a part time on the books job such as delivering pizza. It's all seems very demeaning but the process does serve to keep you humble which is the key to successful recovery. JUst remember that "This too shall pass."

Peace and Namaste
