Now, I have a problem with temp supposed to be 107 today, that is even a little warm for me unless there is a very understanding beercart girl.

Now I fail to understand how people can give any credence to Rush Limberger and Glenn Beck for their hate filled, Racist, right wing extremism rants that affect so many people. I also fail to understand why people listen to the inane ravings and statements by Bachman and Palin. Their grasp of history, and geology and their lack of understanding of the constitution are beyond any reason. Now Romney. I will fully admit, he is just plain boring. Not as boring as the now departed Pawlenty. Now for Perry as I live in Texas. I fail to see why someone who openly is for the secession of Texas from the Union. should now want to run as a candidate for the union. I also fail to see how Perry who should support the constitution is openly advocating getting rid of parts of it that he does not like. One of our basic premises is the separation of church and state, Perry again here has failed in this in Texas, and will continue to fail to do so in the future. Some of the churches and religious leaders that were at his Big Prayer event in Houston are actually on the domestic terrorist watch list. Perry is now openly against the people of the entire gay community. Perry is openly critical of Hispanics. Except when they mow his yard or wash his car. Perry is an advocate for denying voters rights to minorities and the disabled and the elderly. Basically he is Racist and a very prejudiced against other members of society.