I've not looked at this site for a very long, long time. Inner Demons, fight'n the Army, bitter towards Army Medical Dept (especially Ortho & Nurse Corps), and overall reluctance to rejoin (civilian) nursing. In the ANC, I was a critical care nurse. For whatever reason, since my 15 month deployment in Iraq, mission med care of over 22K detainees, I've never been the same ... you think MasCal 7 dead over 70 injured was easy?!?... Anyway, messed up L shoulder & right elbow, and (mild) PTSD (w/severe ST memory loss) the Army found me UNFIT. Kind of missing the OR (3yrs scrub tech, 5yrs OR RN... along w/1yr telemetry - 8yrs ICU). Very close to home is a Day Surgery Center but hesitant to apply in fear of failure. After all, the AMEDD labeled me as such.

Appreciate those that care & those that think I'm pitiful... find a bridge AND JUMP!