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Thread: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

  1. #1

    Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    Hi everyone, my name is Valerie. I'm a mother of 2 who has been going to school off and on for a while now. I originally enrolled at our local unverisity as a pre-nursing student. It was great till I started to hear how tough the entrance exams were. That really caused me to panic. Instead of giving myself a chance to see if could get into a nursing school, I bailed and never applied to one. Instead, I changed my major and have been working in social services. I have always wanted to be nurse but I guess my lack of confidence has kept me from applying at the nursing schools in my area. What I want to know from you all is what should expect when I apply to a nursing school. I am deathly afraid of not being accepted into one of the many schools in my area. What are the schools really looking for? Do they look for high scores, bilingual students, etc... Any comments you throw my way will be greatly appreciated.

    The MexicanBlonde

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    Hey Valerie,

    Don't try to be something you think they are looking for. Answer the application questions honestly and completely then submit it.

    There are study guides you can buy from the NLN to prepare for the entrance exams and study guides that will help you along the way.

    If you really want to be a nurse, don't let the application process intimidate you. With a growing nursing shortage and fewer slots available at nursing schools, the sooner you apply and get accepted the better. Many students are dealing with long waiting lists to start their nursing careers.

    Wish you luck.

    Andrew Lopez, RN

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    You can crack under the anticipation of failure or you can grab for your brass ring and take the test. The worst you can do is not pass. You will learn what they want and you can take it again. Many a fantastic nurse has failed her nursing board exam only to take it again and have a very successful career. Do not be afraid to live and follow your dream! It is never how many times you fall but how you get up after your fall. Also, it doesn't matter how you start out but how you end up. Go for it!

  4. #4

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the words of support. I am all over this nursing stuff. I have invested in a few study guides to prepare for the entrance exam. I set a huge goal before me and I am going to give it my best shot. I have nothing to lose if I don't get accepted but a lot to gain if I do!


  5. #5

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    Sounds to me that if you are in a social services program you won't have any trouble getting into the nursing program.

    I'm gonna get slammed big time but I don't believe it's all that difficult.. JMHO

    WR,,, three commas for Becca

  6. #6

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    I hope I get in. I missed the deadlines for this year. So I have another year of trying to prepare for the entrance exam. Social services has been great but I want more I guess. It would be the ultimate dream come true if I work as an RN case manager for Hospice, MH/MR, or even where I'm at now... the Texas welfare office. Thanks for the positive support.

    The MexicanBlonde

  7. #7

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    I've been eyeballing that brass ring for a while now. I think It's about time I got me one cuz it sure is pretty. Too bad I didn't get my act together, I missed the cutoffs for this year. But hey there's alway next year. The fire in my belly is strong and I will not give up... Like you said, it's not how many times we fall, it's how we get up in the end. Thanks for the positive support and honest to good advice.

    The MexicanBlonde

  8. #8

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    All41 is so right about not going for it as soon as you can. If you do not try you have failed the easy way. I tell you some times there is no next year. If you want something you must go for it or it will be like your name texasdreams.

  9. #9

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    this looks like a really old thread but I'm curious~~~ Valerie, you there ~~~ I'm wondering if you ever went to nursing school. You should have finished by the date on this thread ~~~

  10. #10
    Senior Member orionseal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Prospective Student Who Needs A Reality Check

    Even if she isn't here this is a good spot to say this.

    In the entrance exams they are looking for a good knowledge base on the corerequeset classes required by those schools you are apllying to if you have a good GPA in those classes then you are worrying over nothing. It's not like you will have to go over case studies and decide where the Doctor went wrong or somthing like that. They want people with a go getem attitude and an ability to think under stressful situations, but that comes with time too. Don't think too far into the entrance exams, if you are a good student you will do fine.

    Those who have a hard time with the entrance exam are those who either panicked or are not good critical thinkers.

    So, if you are still milling it over and all that, get going and apply.

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