Thought i'd drop in and introduce myself. My name is Betty and I live near Palm Springs. I'm a 3rd semester nursing student in an AA program @ College of the Desert. I'm married to a man who makes my lunch and attempts to iron my uniforms while I study and write drug cards, etc. , he really is the BEST!....we don't have any children, unless you count our 4 legged friends, in that case we have 2.

Today my clinical instructor said something to me and I don't quite know how to digest it. First let me just say that she is always fair, never harsh and has a great sense of humor.

Today is essentially the end of our week, and at the end of our rotation she says to me..."now your going to go home and rest, right?". And of course I say "yes", because I could use a nap. And she goes on to say that her observations of me are this.....you are a high achiever, I can tell by the questions you ask. You need to take some time to take care of yourself or your going to burn out. Sometimes our drive for success and knowlege, and time we spend on others, we forget about ourselves and that can work against us. You are great with your patients and your classmates really like you, but take time this weekend to rest yourself.

Now I am by no means a straight A student. I was just voted VP of the SNA at my school, I am eager to learn, I make myself available for learning opportunities, and I have passion. I'm sort of an adrenaline junkie, too. I've worked in the ER for 5 years as a tech before I started school. I guess I can be hard on myself and I expect alot of myself, but who doesn't. I guess what really concerns me is that my closest friend in class just told me last week that I was "high anxiety".

Oh....great....now I sound paraniod LOL....oh well, this is a day in the life of a student Thanks for listening