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Thread: Maybe here....

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Maybe here....

    I want to start out by saying that I am a 1986 grad from an RN program in Canada. I have spent all of my time in the ICU and OPD/Emerg. settings. I work in a small hospital, in a small town, where everybody knows everybody. Now, here is my question to you all...

    Recently, our nurse manager has told us that it is a MUST when we answer the phone line that only receives calls from the public, that we identify ourselves by our full name instead of saying Emergency Room patient line, how can I help you?. I should clarify that this phone line has been set up to screen outside calls from people looking for updates on their family. We do not give out the name of the Dr. on call, we give no phone medical advice and we do not give out a predicted wait time to see the Dr.

    The staff of 20 or so RNs, and LPNs too numerous to count, all feel that this is a dangerous practise. We are often sworn at, told off, ridiculed, etc. etc. etc. Some of us have received letters with threats or have been bothered at our homes by people not getting the answers they want or treatment that is satisfactory, in their opinion. As I is a small town and all of us are familiar faces as we are always in the public eye.

    Most of us do not wear name tags, as we wish to remain nameless to several unsavory clients that we have and will continue to treat. This is also frowned apon by our management. While we realize that it may be a hospital policy to display and/or state or names, we wonder if it is somehow in violation of some sort of safety issue of which we are not aware.

    I am sure that many of you will have several different opinions on this but does anyone out there have some literature supporting our cause to wish to remain anonymous if that be our choice? Perhaps something legal that we can take to our management and say Hey, I dont always feel safe telling my name and thats my own personal right.

    Thanking you in advance for your time.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Maybe here....

    It is only my opinion but I would think first name only would be sufficient.

  3. #3
    Member Extraordinaire
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Maybe here....

    First name only is what I've seen in most ER's. The students at the school I teach clinicals also only go by first name. Why not ER this is Sue may I help you? Also how can you give updates on family members over the phone? Do you give each family a different code to let you know they really are family and not the crazy ex boyfriend or nosey neighbor? The only thing we can give over the phone is yes they are here let me transfer you to their phone. Or I'm sorry I can't give you any information let me transfer you.

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