I would like to announce the annual Travelers Conference is now taking registrations for this year's conference. For those who don't know, this is a joint get-together - encompassing Association members (PanTravelers.org), the Delphi forum Travel Nurses and Therapists, and the entire traveler community. It will be held at The Flamingo Las Vegas (the center of the strip) September 21st – 23rd. If you are planning on attending, please, please sign up as early as possible. It will help us immensely with our planning.
If you're a healthcare traveler or just interested in this career path - this is THE event to attend.

For those of us who are currently working travel contracts, we need to make our plans well in advance. For any contract starting after Mid June be sure to request time off in your contract. Most managers will agree to this if you ask at the beginning. You can make up the couple of shifts at the end of your assignment if needed.

A sample of what we'll be doing:

- Presentations on advanced topics for the experience travelers
- Separate sessions for new travelers covering the basics and FAQ's
- Organized ice-breakers to make it easier for travelers to connect with each other
- Exploring the Technical side of Medical Software options (PDA's, Website resources)
- Pre-conference social activities to local attractions
- The "Recruiter Roundtable" where recruiters answer travelers' questions about how agencies operate
- Investment and Retirement Options for the Traveling Professional
- Lots of socializing, after parties, and just enjoying the amenities of the resort with fellow travelers.

As this is a conference organized by your fellow travelers and not by a large corporation, our advertising budget is small. We really need your help in getting the word out to as many travelers as possible; word of mouth by Internet and in person is needed to make this a big success. Please give out the website URL -TravelersConference.com - for all the information!

To register, click the "Attendees" link on our website at www.TravelersConference.com

Thanks for your support!


TMPC Staff
Travel Medical Professionals Conference