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Thread: Is this really what nursing is about?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Is this really what nursing is about?

    I have been a nursing student for 6 months. I am 39 years old, decided to apply to a university after being out on waiting lists for 2 years at the community college level. Iam paying 45K for an associates degree in Los Angeles. I loved studying and every minute of the stress of classes until the day I went to my first clinical on a med-surg floor. My instructor was a beast, my patient broke my heart(im sure this gets better after time) and OMG the nursing staff. Wow I have never seen a bigger pack of wolves:back-stabbing and viciousness, not to metnion they just could not stand nursing students at all. I am on a leave of absence until late August and Iam seriously wondering is this how nursing this field for me.. I know it is a personal question as to whether or not I can return but after reading tons of posts on here and allnurses, there is such a high burn out rate, and enough negativity to make me never want to enter the field. I entered because I was passionate about helping peopl(as general as that sounds)but Id love to hear your thoughts.
    One more thing, Iam wondering should I cut my losses at this point (6K and try for LPN school, then it just might be easier to ladder to RN-if I should decide to do this)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Not all hospitals have those kind of nurses you described.
    So, keep on with the RN program and deal with the negative stuff until you graduate and find a decent place to work.

  3. #3

    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Hey Fab,

    Thanks for posting. It sounds like you got the baptism of fire right up front and it's too bad. I wish I could say that what you experienced was unusual but it really isn't. Nursing is a very intense profession with a high burn-out rate but please don't give up just yet. Take a little time to gather your thoughts and reflect on the experiences you've had so far and yes, do a little soul searching too. If you haven't already, make friends with nurses who seem to like their job and unload a little. If they're good at what they do, they will "take you under the wing" and help you sort things out. You already know that nursing is not a profession for everyone but if you're passionate about caring for people and are willing to make sacrifices to get there, keep at it. I can honestly say that as a nurse, I've never worked harder but I've had the most meaningful experiences of my life.

    Keep in touch and let us know what you decide.

    Good luck,


  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2009

    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    What an awesome response..thanks for taking the time to respond and help me reflect. Now Im ready for you to take me under your wing and explain it all...:nurse-clap: Im ready!
    I have really reflected and soul searched for a month now..time is running out as August 31st is aproaching. Iam also wondering. 45K for an associates degree?????? I receive loans but ughhhh what an expense to realize just quite possibly it might not be for me.

  5. #5

    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Quote Originally Posted by fablove View Post
    What an awesome response..thanks for taking the time to respond and help me reflect. Now Im ready for you to take me under your wing and explain it all...:nurse-clap: Im ready!
    I have really reflected and soul searched for a month now..time is running out as August 31st is aproaching. Iam also wondering. 45K for an associates degree?????? I receive loans but ughhhh what an expense to realize just quite possibly it might not be for me.
    Hey again,

    I'm glad I could help. It's good to hear that you're feeling better about nursing, but still aren't sure it's for you. With deadlines breathing down your back, the question right now seems to be about tuition cost and is a questionable career fit wort the expense.

    I agree, the dollar amounts are staggering but the same could be said for for all colleges. It puts a lot of pressure on a student making it very hard to decide on a career because you don't want to spend any more than you absolutely have to. On one hand, you have some idea about what interests you but on the other hand, how would you really know without a doubt what it is you want to do unless you pick something that feels right and just go for it? This may sound a bit simplistic, but you have to start somewhere.

    Let me jump ahead a little to how you will manage to make a living and pay those tuition loans once you're done with school. What you may not know about nursing is that the starting pay is fairly high in the postgraduate market, even for an associate degree. Should you decide to go in that direction, you can relax a little about earning potential. If after awhile you decide to go back to school for something else, your credits will have excellent transfer potential because what isn't general education is science oriented. Here is where I say that no education is wasted. We all build on prior learning.

    I have a daughter who is working through this same decision process herself right now. I think she's like her dad because I'm in my third career and still not finished. It's all been healthcare related but I like to move around.

    Keep in touch,


  6. #6
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    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    One of the cool things about nursing, is there are an unlimited number of opportunities you can take advantage of, after a few years at the bedside.

    I'd finish school, get a few years of experience, then see what else is out there.

    You could work for an insurance company, medical supply company, for a clinic helping patients, a doctor's office, for an attorney helping malpractice cases, for the government helping veterans.

    I wouldn't write off nursing so quickly, knowing what else is out there. I've been a nurse since 1997, and have had my share of "work environment" I'd rather not stay in. The good news is there are always other places to go with nursing experience behind you.

    Visit for a directory of nurse owned businesses.

    Visit for profiles of nurses in almost every specialty you can think of.

    It it isn't for you, so be it. However, realize there is more to nursing than the nonsense you'll see as a student in clinicals.

    It's an important lesson I hope you'll remember once you're on the other side (as a nurse) dealing with students.

    Andrew Lopez, RN

  7. #7
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    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Ahhhhh Im so glad I posted my thoughts here.. You were so helpful and caring. Thanks so much. Your reply was very insightful, thanks a bunch. I have a lot to think about. Absolutely 100% I will be kind as a nurse to students should I take this avenue...good thought!
    I will keep you both posted.

  8. #8

    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Hey Fab,

    Thanks for getting back to us. We look foreward to hearing what you decide. Either way, we're all here for you.


  9. #9
    Super Moderator cougarnurse's Avatar
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    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ricu View Post
    Hey Fab,

    Thanks for getting back to us. We look foreward to hearing what you decide. Either way, we're all here for you.

    Count me in, also!


  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    OMG you both are making me want to just go back right both are the sweetest......It means a lot to me.
    I will let you know

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